Thursday, January 24, 2019

Key Points for Summary of Ocean Clean Up

  • A massive island made up of plastic garbage known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch was found in the Pacific Ocean in 1997.
  • Inventor Boyan Slat laid out a vision of what he calls the Ocean Cleanup Machine, revealed in a TED talk six years prior to bothm skepticism and praise, to tackle the issue.
  • Money and manpower has since been secured for the project.
  • How it works: fifty soli, one-kilometre-long floating booms, which are attached to large floating anchors to slow the booms down relative to the currents, will act as an artificial coastline, allowing the trash to accumulate on the structures via the oceans's natural currents.
  • The booms will have the garbage they have accumulated once a month. 
  • Going forward, the plan is to recycle the collected garbage and have companies sponsor the booms to recoup some of the cost.
Source: Schiller, B. (2017). Boy Genius Boyan Slat’s Giant Ocean Cleanup Machine Is Real. Retrieved from

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Reported speech on reflection of real life.

On the 15 of January 2019 during the effective communication lesson, I was partnered with an individual called Mr. Sid to discuss on the topic of habitual behavior. Mr. Sid stated that his problem since young was procrastination. He claimed that no matter how easy or difficult the task is, he will be easily distracted. Mr. Sid also mentioned that some of the factors that distracted him were the internet and video games. He believed that the root cause of the problem are lack of self-control and discipline. Mr. Sid postulated that he is still struggling from the problem which he has been working on, as it has been affecting his studies, work, and everyday life.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Welcome to My Blog


I am Syahiran and the purpose of creating this blog is to improve on my communication and presentation skills.